My Hormone-Balancing System: REST
My signature Hormone-Balancing System is based around 4 main areas:
This Blog delves a bit more into the ‘Rest’ area of my programmes.
Sleep is something that is often affected in perimenopausal and menopausal women, and that in itself can be debilitating.
Often my clients tell me that they struggle to fall asleep, or they wake at 3am and then can’t get back to sleep, and then in the morning they don’t feel rested at all.
This can then lead to high caffeine intake or eating sugary foods to get them through their busy day, but then sadly caffeine and sugar can impact on sleep, and so the cycle continues.
When I’m working with my clients, we look very closely at the following:
What time do they finish work?
What time do they eat dinner?
What do they eat for dinner?
Do they snack in the evening?
Do they drink caffeinated drinks, and when?
Do they drink alcohol in the evening?
What is their bedroom like – cold/warm, light/dark, noisy etc?
What are their stress levels like?
What do they do before bed?
The answers to these questions and others help me build up a picture of their lifestyle, and from there I can make targeted recommendations and possibly suggest some supplements that can help my client improve the quality of their sleep.
Without good sleep, it is so hard to be fully present and effective in everything else that we do – so sleep is definitely a huge priority when I’m working with my clients.
What is your sleep like?
If poor sleep is affecting the rest of your life, then get in touch and book a free phone call with me HERE.