My Hormone-Balancing System: MOVE
My signature Hormone-Balancing System is based around 4 main areas:
This Blog delves a bit more into the ‘Move’ area of my programmes.
As a Nutritionist, I obviously spend a lot of time talking about nutrition with my clients, but nutrition is just one piece of the puzzle.
As a former Personal Trainer, I fully understand the importance of regular exercise.
The recommendation is for 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week.
But what type of exercise should you be doing?
My recommendation is always to find something you enjoy doing, and then you are so much more likely to actually do it!
Walking: get your trainers on and get outside. Walking is fantastic exercise – it’s free and you can do it anywhere. Aim to walk at a good pace so that you feel your breathing start to increase.
Strength training: this is so important for women as we get older to help sustain muscle mass and support bone health.
Yoga and Pilates: these are both great for improving body strength and flexibility. They can also be very calming and relaxing, so great to lower stress levels.
Other forms of exercise such as swimming, cycling, horse-riding, netball, etc. can all form part of a balanced exercise programme.
There are so many benefits of regular exercise:
Improved hormone balance
Improved wellbeing
Improved strength
Better sleep
Better mood
Stronger bones and muscles
Lower stress levels
Weight loss
Improved posture and body shape, and many more.
What type of exercise do you enjoy?
If you would like to have some more information on working with me, book a free phone call with me HERE.